Oppasjuf International

What is Oppasjuf International?
Oppasjuf International provides a combination of Dutch tutoring and childcare services, at your home, after school hours and in school holidays.
Oppasjuf International is a great solution for children from international backgrounds who live and go to school in the Netherlands, and for Dutch children who attend international schools but want/need to keep up their Dutch mother tongue.

By way of various educational and fun activities children in groups of 2-6 are helped with developing or improving their Dutch language skills. Groups can consist of children from one single family or children from various families. The children within a group can be of different ages and/or levels. For the games and activities we use what is available in the immediate environment of the children, inside as well as outside the home. In this way the things we talk about are immediately applied to day-to-day life, which is an effective way of acquiring a language. The benefit of working in groups is that children help and stimulate each other, beside it usually being more fun for them than working on a one-on-one basis.

Examples of activities and games
Playing ‘memory’: words are repeated often and thus embedded more easily in the Dutch vocabulary.
Visiting a local park or playground: by letting the children name their actions and activities their vocabulary will increase.
Cooking/baking with self-bought and measured ingredients: also a good way of expanding their vocabulary.

The exact nature of our activities is of course determined by the wishes and requirements of the parents and also depends on the ages and levels of Dutch of the children. In each case Oppasjuf will do an extensive intake interview with the parents (and sometimes children) involved. Also, after each lesson parents will receive written feedback on the activities of that day through our website.

For more information, or to make an introductory appointment without obligation, please send an e-mail to Oppasjuf International (janneke@oppasjuf.nl) or call 06-12922751.

The cornerstones of Oppasjuf International

By taking these principles into account, we create a safe atmosphere within the group. Feeling safe is one of the most important conditions for a conductive and successful learning environment.
Our cognitive and social cornerstones are the following:


We don’t blame each other, but help each other to do things differently next time.


We learn to work hard to get results.


We know/recognize our strong and weak points. We learn to use our strong points to work on and improve our weaker points.

We have confidence in ourselves. That way we perform best.

We acknowledge – and are proud of – each other’s successes and achievements, as well as our own.

We take responsibility for our own behaviour and our own results. Asking for help is part of this.


We are not afraid to ask for help.

We are honest with ourselves and with others and learn from our mistakes.


We ‘learn to learn’.


All fees are excluding any extra costs for activities.

School term time (to be booked in blocks of 3 months)

Minimum purchase of 2-hour session:

2 children                  € 45,- per hour per child
3 children                  € 30,- per hour per child
4 children                  € 22,50 per hour per child
5 children                  € 18,- per hour per child
6 children                  € 15,- per hour per child

10% discount on hourly fee when purchasing 3 hours or more on a single day.

School holidays (additionally)

Minimum purchase of half day:

Morning: 08:00-12:30 hrs
2 children                  € 45,- per child
3 children                  € 40,- per child
4 children                  € 35.- per child
5 children                  € 30,- per child
6 children                  € 25,- per child

Afternoon: 13:00-17:30 hrs
2 children                  € 45,- per child
3 children                  € 40,- per child
4 children                  € 35.- per child
5 children                  € 30,- per child
6 children                  € 25,- per child